Just thought I'd pop in and update since its been 6 weeks.... where does the time go?
We are 4 months (approximately) til little babe will be here and I know that the next 2 months are going to fly by with all the busy-ness. My plan (HA!) was to make this blog a little more lifestyle and not SO pregnancy related, but finding time to sit down and concentrate is easier said than done. I do enjoy putting my thoughts in a blog because I think we all have a story and need outlet to share it. I prefer to write because I feel God's words flow through my fingers better than my mouth.
This season we have been in is the definition of "process". We are currently saving and paying off debt (to move into next house). We are living with my in- laws (which has been a blessing). We are pregnant. We are growing our businesses. And we are getting prepared to build our next home. All of these processes, at times, have their moments of stress- but mostly it has made me appreciate the "process" phase of life.
God has taught me SO much in this season. I'm very grateful that God put it on my heart at the beginning of the year, to read a book each month. I think I'm one book short right now- but WOW I have read some incredible life-giving books. I wanted that time to honor God and I think every book has developed my prayer life and relationships.
Right now, God has us leaning into Him for so much support and it is growing our faith. If you've ever been in a transition in life (just waiting on that next door to open), you know that it can be worrisome, anxious, and downright frustrating. But peace enters when we ask God to be the center of all these processes. And He has given us a TON of grace. I wish I could say I was one of those people who is naturally humble in every way- but I'm not. God gets my attention on that seasonally. I love the thought of being humble. To me, it means being in constant need of God. And when you are waiting on "what's next" you have no choice but to need God. He always gives exactly what we need at the perfect time, whether that's more time with family, achieving goals, or just quiet. He knows what our spirit needs to be renewed and get through this phase and heck even learn something in it.
"Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Acts 14:17