And this week we celebrated FIVE YEARS of union with each other and God. Thank you Lord for allowing us to have the memories of the past 5 years! Most marriages begin with pastoral counseling just to get the communication going and lay all the baggage on the line and also to align your hopes and dreams with each other and God. I LOVED every session that we had with our pastor. I know he asked us the ole "SO where do you see yourselves in 5 years?" and honestly I cannot recall my answer.. knowing me it was something along the lines of having at least 2 kids and being more settled in our jobs. My heart and mind were in a completely different place 5 years ago. And I am so grateful for the bit of growth I've been blessed with. At the age of 20 years old... not a lot of life had happened to me yet. Our marriage opened my heart to a new level of love and trust and faith. Not just with my husband but with my Lord and Savior. When we got married I feel like we had a very religious "relationship" with the Lord (which is an oxymoron). We've both still got A LOT of learning to do and man I can't wait to see how He uses us for His kingdom- but the past five years have been spent growing together in our faith. It has been incredible watching my husband become this man of God right before my eyes. I know he prays for me all the time and I'm very grateful for it. But I'm about to be vulnerable.
About 2 & 1/2 years into our marriage I was praying desperately for our hearts to grow stronger in His word. The hubs was in a Bible study with some good friends so he was being fed and encouraged. One night we got in a serious fight about the stealing of the covers. (when I say serious I'm not kidding- in retrospect and probably if you're reading this you think we're idiots but it was tense) I was angry- he was angry and he stomped into the living room leaving me alone in bed. At that moment I began to pray that God would speak to both of us. I prayed that He would provide us with peace and words- and then I prayed specifically for the Holy Spirit to meet my husband 4 rooms over and lead Him back to me with His words. I then received a text message from my hubby (yes 4 rooms over) apologizing and promising to control his anger better and ended with James 1:19-20 "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." I had (at that time) never been that blown away by God. Our relationship between the three of us changed right then. I had never prayed a specific prayer like that and expected an answer. God taught me a lot that night and I'm grateful that it was over the cover monster ;-).
Our journey thus far has been filled to the brim with blessings. God has brought people into our relationship that have helped change the way we view marriage, service, and relationships. We know it has all been in His perfect timing and that makes it all the sweeter. The road hasn't always been a Sunday drive, but that all depends on the perspective. We are thankful to be allowed time to grow in Him and further His kingdom while falling more in love each day. I know I have a lot of growing to do as a wife and I hope God allows me to. We both have some room to grow- but God definitely made my man a servant for Him. B is the most giving servant and I feel incredibly honored to call him mine. Not to mention he's got a pretty cute smile. I hope the Lord allows many many years of falling more in love with Him and understanding His love.
-at Hargis 5 years later *sigh*
AND the Bump....
I know it looks like I'm housing twins. I still love it and thankful for that growing watermelon.
God is great, and He's even greater when you ask Him to be great in YOU!
Where do I see myself in five years?
Let's see.. I'll be 30 and Levi will be about to start kindergarten (good Lord willing)- I hope our hearts are more aligned with His. I pray that 5 years from now God is our source of joy. I pray that God would always be first- then hubs- then kid(s). Most of all... I pray that He allows me more time with that handsome guy, growing in love and faith.
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