Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 32

Um, is this rain going to ever stop- I mean really! I feel like we live in the rain forest! ALTHOUGH on a normal Alabama July day it'd be 100 degrees and humidity 1000%- so as far as being pregnant in July goes.. the rain is making it more bearable than anticipated. But enough about the weather! Hope everyone's Independence Day was celebrated properly. Super grateful for those who fight for our freedom both past and present. Proud to personally know some of those great men and women and their families. We spent ours with family and friends pretty much all weekend- so it was a very good weekend.
With holidays though I seem to lose my focus on things- and in a week's time my priority list was shuffled to chaos. Being completely honest-- my mind is in a million places right now. Worship music always brings me back to my center, so I know when I am about to blog after a week like this I need a good 10 minutes of just listening for God's words. I feel like there's a lot of anticipation in the air. And my life is just on the edge of a lot of changes and I am so grateful for this great Rock that keeps me centered.
I'm reminded this week especially of His power in our lives. This week will be filled with a lot of prayer and quiet time with Him- whatever happens in our lives He remains, He lives, He gives us this hope. And sometimes I don't think we're suppose to have the words- I think sometimes when life is at this height of healing, anticipation, and finding our way- our new way.. we're simply suppose to listen for His voice. But our God isn't this "Wizard of Oz" voice- He wants us to be close to Him. He longs for us to sit in His lap and look into His face and wait for His instruction. And to take delight in just sitting with Him. I know when Levi gets here I am going to be simply overjoyed to be in his presence. And that day when he looks up at me and smiles my world will be complete. THAT intimacy- THAT love is what I imagine our God yearns for. The simple yearning to be loved.
The song "Come to Jesus" by Chris Rice just came on and it's kind of a perfect description of this week.
I love that bump. I love looking at it. I love watching that little person make it do waves. I love the kicks and punches that come from it. I love that he got the hiccups for the first time today. I'm completely overwhelmed by the love. I hope I am given many years to show my appreciation and love to God for this great blessing. But for today I hope He is blessed knowing it's all surrendered to Him- and every step taken is guided by His lamp.
Praying that His light draws us near.
And that our ears are prepared for His whisper.

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