Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 35

Well, well, well..... here we are. I really want to have a moment to complain. But instead we shall observe all complaints with a moment of silence.....

Thank you.
Ok so instead we are going to be so super excited that this little boy is joining us in 5 weeks or less! Woohoo! To say that I can't wait is the understatement of the century. Are we ready?..... um, sure- I mean our house is hot mess, his nursery isn't completely complete (lacking curtains), and oh we haven't packed our bags, installed carseat, or registered at hospital. no bigs. O.o
But we will NOT be anxious about anything IN JESUS NAME! amen.

God is too good to be caught up in the little things that make us feel like we'll be ready? I mean HELLO how can you possibly be "ready", to be responsible for another life for the next 18 years.. we're gonna do what seems to work out best.. put it in His hands and pray for our lives to surrender to His will.

And right now I'm praying for God's lamp to light my way. One of my very best friends once enlightened me that God provides a lamp for each step- not for your whole path. So in this situation at 35 weeks, with only 5 weeks to go, naturally all I can think about is the delivery room. But my gracious God keeps reminding me that He lights each day at a time. each step at a time. If He was ready for me to be in the delivery room, I'd probably be there. But He's given me some more time to grow in His trust. And that just really changes my focus.
What an amazing Father we have. And goodness just when we think we're at this intimate place with Him- He just throws this whole other dimension at us. Last year I prayed through many books to help distract from a huge prayer request and God taught me so much (and so much I need to pray up on again). For example, contentment. Um, yea- what is that? We live in this society of DIScontentment. I read through a couple of books on this subject and the Holy Spirit really transformed my heart. And sometimes I think when we learn about something that we automatically expect all our friends and family to jump on board and be transformed by OUR experience. No. That was obviously something that MY heart was lacking and needed attention. I learned that while we learn from each other's experiences- you, as an individual, must have Jesus encounters to really be transformed. And while I remind myself of lessons learned in the past year, contentment is something I have to work at. I have to constantly remind myself of the blessings that surround me. I have to take moments of silence (i.e. beginning of this post) to SILENCE all those complaints. It takes about 2 seconds to think of 5 things to be grateful for. Thankfulness 5 Complaints 0... BOOM.

speaking of BOOM. :-)
He's taken a bit of a growth spurt. And mommy can feel it! So yay for a growing boy! He's still loving to reassure me of his presence. Sweet boy. We have many one sided conversations in which he kindly replies with a body adjustment. B may or may not think I'm a nut for talking to my belly as much as I do. I especially love when he thinks I'm talking to him... um hello trying to talk to my unborn son here. Without complaining- progress has taken a.. downward shift :-) therefore bathroom breaks... ok let's just be honest. it's more like sleep breaks. because too much of my sleepy time is being spent on the porcelain bowl. I think before our next child we will redo our bathrooms what with all the sickness, potty breaks, and normal time spent in the bathroom... more attention should be paid into making it a little more relaxing. I'm positive that's top on the hubby's to do list. HA! Welp..  delaying the bed.
Praying that the peace that passes all UNDERSTANDING overwhelms your hearts and you fall to your knees with trust in our perfect Creator.


  1. You look TERRIFIC! I am so excited for you guys! I'd love to have a suggestion on one of the books on contentment. That is something my heart has been lacking and it took moving away into what I thought I wanted to realize that I had what I wanted the whole time - cue Dorothy. ;)

    1. Thank you Brittany!!! Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow... loved it!!! Really helped me examine my heart!!!
