Sunday, March 1, 2015

pursuit of His promise

So after putting down Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson, I realized that reading not only encouraged me to be in the Bible more but also inspired how I prayed. I immediately reached for Warrior Magnicifent by Jamie Vrinios. She is a National Sales Director with Mary Kay- which is the highest sought after position in  our company. I'm hesitant to say all that because the book in no way references the business- instead it directly attacks the warrior God has made you and me to be.
My book quickly became highlighted with so many little nuggets. I haven't really had time to go back and reflect on all that this book did for me. Until now.
Reading this right after selling our house- affirmed to me how much God was and is working in our lives.
"The greatest resistance will come when a breakthrough is about to occur; and you must be diligent in this pursuit, or you will fall short every single time."
I'm sure many of us have heard a version of this but when you experience this, it really fires you up about encouraging others to keep at it. When we were told that our buyers needed to step away-- it was bad timing.. 1 week before Christmas.. 2 weeks before we planned to close.. and a HUGE PODS sitting right in front of our house to haunt us. YEA. There was a split second of wondering if God even intended on us to move.
When you get rejected by something or someone- it is so easy to think maybe this isn't what God planned. This is why prayer is VITAL in your everyday living. If God has given you a vision- you MUST focus on what He has promised you. Feed your mind with His truths and surround yourself with believers who will come alongside you and pray with and for you.
If you need more affirmation of this please watch this sermon. I finished Warrior Magnificent on Sunday and received a link to this sermon on Monday. I love when I can hear God telling me something LOUD and clear!
There are still times in prayer when I struggle to discern His voice and that's when I dig in to my Bible. Never let doubts cloud you. That's part of the resistance that is sure to come your way. God gave us this great LIVING book to reference and take as a guide for life. Something that helps me to really understand what I'm reading is finding a message from a trusted pastor, who digs into the scripture. I admittedly learn better through visual/audible aids. Even when I read books I want to look up the person and "get to know them". I think it helps me understand the heart behind the message.
That is just another way to be DILIGENT in your pursuit.
To go along with the sermon mentioned, read Joshua 6. Remember our perspective is what's in front of us-- pray for God's perspective. He paints a much bigger and more beautiful picture.

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