"You Are For Me"- Kari Jobe Listen to it.
I love when God speaks thru Pandora-- because I hear Him clearly thru Kari Jobe. :)
Have you ever prayed for something not really realizing what you are actually praying for?
For instance- if you've ever prayed for patience (bless you)- that's a learned skill if you're not given it. And it's a HARD one. I suggest praying for your heart to be softened- for God to distract you with serving- or to let it go.
I remember a time when I prayed to be a strong woman. :) Being strong takes hard work. It takes pressure. It takes sacrifice and it requires Him. and alot of Him.
I believe God made me an overcomer. It's a learned skill that we have walked together. It's not something to do alone- in fact I'd venture to say it's impossible without Him- I'm not willing to test overcoming without Him. From not making a team (three times), to having a miscarriage- God was there building me up and giving me strength to overcome by His might.
These are my most vulnerable moments.
They're also the most defining and powerful moments of my life. It was THEN, when I let go of the reigns that God took over.
And when God takes the reigns He blesses you tenfold. He puts you in leadership when you were praying for the lowly position. He'll give you friends grounded in faith when you prayed for a shoulder to lean on.
God is so good. He teaches us so much on our journey to the "next stop". What journey are you on with Him? What are you believing God for? How are you becoming vulnerable and allowing our Saviour to take the reigns?
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