Like I said I am fine.. Levi has been punching and kicking all day.
But as I sit here and force myself to write this out, I am dreaming of laying in my bed and crying myself into sleep. Tears of fear and thankfulness for our gracious God to not let me hit another car. I don't want to over dramatize my incident today because I am perfectly fine.. but it did scare me and of course it went along with our message at church today. Our days are numbered.
We live this life of "eventuallys" and "one days" without our next breath not being promised to us. Hopefully you have a bigger life to look forward to- I know it is easy for me to get a little caught up in my day to day without making each day count. Like if I were to die tomorrow.. did anything happen today that mattered. Did I make a difference in anybody's life? Did I influence someone's decision towards giving their life to Christ?
I was going to blog about all these dreams I am having about my life. I was not one of those people that knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.. I still don't. I know that I want to live for Him and I pray that He provides opportunities for ministry in daily living. I want to be passionate about whatever I do and God is developing that in my heart right now. He is showing me that ministry isn't always working for a church, or going on mission trips.. Ministry is where God has you right now. What are you doing with it? I don't want to be one of those people at my ten year reunion bragging on all my degrees and accomplishments. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and MAN I am so excited for so many of my graduating classmates and what they are doing with their lives. They are living big and most of them are living big for God. That's what I want. I want to live big for God. I am tired of feeling small and incapable of being great. That is a lie from that sick enemy. My God made me to be great. I am not a mistake and He has a plan for me- a great big plan. I want to open my life to Him- that I would no longer feel inadequate. I pretend it's humility but it's not. Because the feelings I have are that "I can't accomplish that" or "I'm not good enough"... THAT IS NOT HUMILITY! It is pride. I can't accomplish anything and I am not good enough BUT there is this amazing Savior that has given me new life. He makes me holy. The Holy Spirit dwells inside of me. It's time to let His love spill over. It's past time that I start giving God a little more credit and start realizing that He can do anything if I allow Him to take place in my life.
So on to baby stuff :-)
The hubs FINALLY felt Levi kicking around. I think Monday was the first day Levi kicked in the morning... 5 am I might add. AND he was kicking B in the butt! :-) I told B, Levi was claiming his territory. It was hilarious. Levi doesn't kick all day- he is definitely on a schedule... but if I want him to kick... cheese dip works everytime. Cheese is the one thing I can count on to get him moving. OR if I have my laptop on my belly. Don't worry there's a pillow in between laptop and belly.
So the fabulous hubs started working on a DIY lamp I envisioned. I still have to paint it again so when the nursery is done I'll put a full picture up.. but!
Basically I wanted a lamp made from a fishing pole. I knew I wanted it to be all white (so another coat of paint is needed). BUT the technical (electrical) part is done! It is already super cute, just doesn't have that finished look quite yet. Major props to hubs :-)
AND YES Mr. Levi Fisher is growing! I attribute this weeks growth to no sickness (woop woop).
I want to leave this week with an encouragement. If you are not sure what God is doing in your life- or where He wants you. Be still. Be quiet. And be prepared.
Praying for revelations and dreams to develop.
Me and the bump are hittin the hay. It has been a day.
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