Sunday, March 3, 2013

WEEK 14!

YAY! We made it to announcement week!! Praise the Lord! We got see our little baby week 12 and it actually looked like a baby not a gummy bear- and it was beautiful. How the Lord made that baby so beautiful so quickly is another reason why He is my Lord and I do not want to serve any other god. He is perfect is in all His ways. I read this today 2 Peter 3:9 " The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." I think this is so true in so many areas of our lives- but ultimately our Lord is a sweet loving Father who is GIVING us time to reach lost ones.

So excited to be entering the beloved second trimester- it has been talked up! First trimester went a little something like this-- I KNEW at 5 weeks.. I did not tell the boy until we were 8 weeks! o.o i know- I just wanted to make sure little munchkin was in there! Brad said he knew but didn't want to ask.. so we'll call it even. Over the next 4 weeks we prayed for this sweet blessing's life- and it was the most beautiful secret between me, Brad, and God. It was another level of connection and affirmation of His great love! At week 9 I went to get my thyroid checked AGAIN and mentioned to the nurse that I thought I was pregnant and needed to schedule an ultrasound. She said I had to have a urine confirmation before they would schedule me so while I was there they did that and YEP preggers we are.. Oh and instead of scheduling it was "Come on back let's take a look" DEER IN HEADLIGHTS! Hold up I need Brad! They were waiting- so I nervously got on the table and BAM there the little gummy bear was. The fun part was telling Brad. Hey- we're for sure pregnant :-) That's when it was hard to keep it a secret- because it was actual confirmation of baby growing inside! And then finally week 12 came and WE got to see our sweet baby. We were so surprised at the difference that 3 weeks made because it went from looking like a little blurp that we could SAY "oh yea that's a baby?" to "OMG look at our baby!". We knew we wouldn't be able to hold the news in long and surprised our parents that night by just showing up to each of their houses and showing them their new grandbaby to be. They were all over the moon excited- especially when we told them how far along we were.
 (9 weeks)

(12 weeks)
So now we are all caught up! We are on week 14 and so overwhelmingly thankful. I'm so grateful for those quiet moments when it all just sinks in for a second that there is a life growing inside of me.

So How am I feeling at week 14? Glad you asked! Today I feel great! No sickly feelings and actually felt like getting out of the house (for the first time in 3 months). Hoping this is a good sign of things to come for second trimester, but when I do get sick I just look at that precious baby's little picture and it is SO worth it! I love it!
Cravings: NOT A THING- if I didn't like food so much I wouldn't eat.. hoping this goes away. Although today, I had a strange craving for a cold turkey sandwich but I think it's just cause I'm not suppose to have it.
#1 asked question: SO when do ya'll find out what it is?!- The answer- HOPEFULLY SOON! We want either because we would love to have at least one of each- we are trusting that God knows what we need and we know He has already been working on little friends and family members to play with!
I'm trying to not social media as much- not sure if blogging counts. So this will be my weekly update on how the BUMP is going- whatever I do I want it to be committed to the Lord. We owe Him all the glory and thanks. And I can't do this without Him holding me up. I can't say it enough times how I have felt every prayer that has gone up for us. Everytime I feel a prayer, I pray for whoever is lifting us up to be blessed not only here but abundantly in heaven.

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