Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week 18

Well first let's start off by saying HAPPY EASTER! Thank you Jesus for dying a death that You did not deserve. This Easter was especially amazing for a lot of reasons. One being my precious little cousin Lilly asked Jesus into her heart on Thursday. There is no greater feeling than watching this little blessing grow up and want to live her life to glorify God. It made for a very emotional devotion before Easter.
Secondly--- we announced the gender of our little baby!!!
Thursday we headed to see the doctor and prayerfully hoped to find out the gender of our little baby. On the ride up to the hospital, our church was on the radio talking about Easter and experiencing Jesus. It was so comforting and just rested my heart. The closer we got to the hospital though the more my heart raced- thankfully Brad drove. As we veered off of Red Mountain Expressway, three of Church of the Highlands worship leaders began to sing "Place of Freedom". (which if you've been reading along you know this song is my anthem) I felt the Lord's arms around me and just felt truly blessed. I knew that whether we found out or not the Lord was guiding our steps and we were in His hands. I had asked 4 girls to pray for us and our visit and they were the only ones that knew we were going to the doctor. We had been avoiding the question from our parents because we didn't want to tell them when we were going and then be disappointed if baby did not cooperate. And I just love surprising people! Well baby cooperated!! Within seconds of us being in the ultrasound room little baby flashed us its goods! So without further adieu we are proud to announce....
Can I just say I am not only excited but RELIEVED! I have been wanting a little boy for so long! Don't get me wrong I would've been excited for a little girl but I would've been carrying around a donation bucket. I have loved watching my little brother grow up, and going to his baseball games- it has made me long for a little boy. My family is over populated with boys so little Levi will have plenty of little playmates to get in trouble with. We had our family Easter egg hunt and my littlest brother announced the news.
When we got finished in the ultrasound room we waited for our doctor for a little bit which gave me and B time to talk about all the things we are looking forward to. B's first statement was "I can't wait to throw baseball, and go fishing, and get him to help with cutting the grass".... yea you can see where his mind is at. I really want him to have a little girl one day because I know he will be putty in her hands. It's funny watching him with all our friends little girls-- he always comes home saying she is just the cutest little girl. Makes me love him oh so much more. But for now we will relish in our sweet little boy! Oh it feels so good to say him, he, his, Levi- than IT. I've already been calling myself Levi's mom--- AH so weird! and beautiful! I am so thankful to God for this precious little boy, he already holds my heart. We prayed so hard for the Lord's blessing that whatever we have that it will be a child of God. I can't wait to teach him to be a man of God and watch B help shape his faith and love for the Lord. It is such an awesome Easter- definitely one to remember! Our God is good and faithful- I hope His light shone on everyone's day today.

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