Poor B thought I was having a meltdown. and truth be told I was. For some reason I still get caught off guard at His beautiful reminders of love. I truely hope that it will always bring me to my knees with gratitude. In the middle of worship the band played my favorite verses from my favorite song.
"I'm gonna lift my hands til I can reach Heaven- I'm gonna shout your name til the walls come falling down- I've come to worship"
"Place of Freedom" Highlands Worship
God is good. This song has gotten me through depression- has helped me see light- and mostly brought me to His warm embrace. It is the song of my heart- It conquers my fears- It is my place of complete abandon of any attack the devil has on me and my precious family. I surrender to His worship- to the freedom that only His name can fulfill. This song represents every uphill battle and every joyous ride down of this bumpy road. Praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit working thru music.
So with a freed mind, creativity has finally come back to this mama's mind. I was missing it for 3 months. I love to DO and MAKE things. B and I decided tonight that when we find out what we are having we are going to make little munchkin a piece of furniture that hopefully it can grow up with and hold onto for many years. Sooo since we don't know what we're having but we are mere weeks away from knowing.. I decided an inspiration board would be fun to do.
For some reason, my creative juices were working alot more for baby boy than baby girl. I think girls just have too many different options- honestly though my baby boy room isn't exactly boyish. It's very gender neutral but I've loved this idea since before I was pregnant and I knew I wanted it for my little boy.
Levi Fisher Rawlins
I love the song "You are my sunshine" so weather will be the inspiration for my man's room. 1) The weather mobile will definitely be the center focus of the nursery- it will be big and hover above little Levi's crib. I will most likely make this from the many mobiles I have seen online. This one is my favorite. 2) These words will be up on the walls somehow maybe framed maybe on wood- I'm thinking hanging over changing table. 3) I don't know if I'll actually use this song but I love it because it's the song my dad and I danced to at our wedding. who knows? definitely rustic tho! 4) Thank goodness B's parents kept his crib and it is in mint condition- right now it is its natural wood but we will paint either white or distress white 5) I love this rug from Target- a pop of blue completes this lovely weather room. 6) This was by far my favorite grey and is already on our walls thanks to B and his momma. If we move before baby we will paint nursery same color no matter what gender. It's Behr's Gentle Rain

Millie Kate Rawlins
I struggled with little missy's overall inspiration so it's very general and overall Southern.1)I LOVE pink and navy. I also LOVE seersucker. Miss Millie Kate will not be without her monogram. 2)I will be sewing precious little pillows adorned with bows and ruffles in pink blue and white. 3) Again we will use B's crib most definitely painted white. 4) I really like these homemade "lanterns" made from cups, scrapbook paper and stringed lights. Also pennants will be in her room most likely with her little Southern name on them. 5) This rug would definitely be the centerpiece if I can make it. It's crocheted and made from rope- but if it comes to it I think I can do it! I love its doily shape! 6) Again this beautiful gray will be the background of little missy's room. It's a very light grey and looks great in the room now especially when windows are open!
I had so much fun doing this. I know half of you are thinking I shouldn't share my baby to be's names- but we've had Millie Kate's name picked out for 4 years and Levi Fisher for over a year now. If someone steals it then God bless their soul there will be two of them :) It's weird and awesome seeing their names with our name behind it. Another beautiful reminder of this life growing inside of me.
-How's the bump growing?-
Um some days I can really tell and other days not so much. Guess I'm still in the bloated stage. All my clothes still fit pretty normal.. filling out those jeans more if that was possible.
-How's the second trimester going?-
Still having a slight case of morning sickness about 2-3 times a week- not complaining I'll take it and praise the Lord that it's for great reason. Much more energy!! Yay! Feeling more like me and getting out of the house!! Perfect timing since this weekend is sunny and beautiful.
-Most excited about...?-
Being in the present. There are so many things to come. Finding out gender, feeling first kick, B feeling first kick... and I am so very excited for all of those things.. but I want to focus on today. Today is good. It is beautiful and filled with His glory. I will never have this moment again. My FIRST first trimester or second or week 15. I think that's a main reason for blogging- I don't want to forget how wonderful today is. To God be the glory.
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